
Archive for 2010

Humanity is waiting with a strong sense that something of immense importance is about to occur.  It is a very unsettling feeling because you have been locked into the experience of an unchanging environment in which disagreement, fighting, and war are endemic.  And yet you sense, and deep within yourselves you know, that this is all about to change.

For eons, in your quiet and private moments, you have been longing for, hoping for, and praying for peace, harmony, acceptance, and love.  But it has all seemed way beyond your reach, impossible to achieve, and it appears to the majority of you that you are unworthy and do not deserve a prize or a reward as wonderful as that.  But it is your destiny.  You were created in that state by God, and it is where you belong.  The fact that you are not experiencing it and cannot conceive of achieving it is all part of the illusion that strange state of anxiety and suffering in which it appears that you have your existence.

However far back you look in the history of mankind, the driving forces that have guided and inspired you seem to be deceit, betrayal, and war, and because in your seemingly separated state it appears that you are alone and surrounded by enemies, no other way of living makes any sense at all.  You are permanently threatened and likely to be attacked at any moment without warning.  It is indeed a very fearful and unsatisfactory form of existence – expecting non-existence to overwhelm you and remove your life at any moment.

Nevertheless, you continue to hope.  That sense of hope has been with you since the moment of separation, because your Father placed within you the inextinguishable Light of His Love to assure you that you were not lost, could never be lost, and to light your way Home to His loving embrace when you chose to stop playing the ridiculous games that filled you with anxiety and hid the Light of His Love from you.

Over the last few decades – a very short time compared to the apparent eons of separation from Him that you have spent in the illusion – very many of you have become aware of that divine Light shining within.  You have not understood what it is or what it means, but you can see that it is accepting and welcoming.  And you have started to accept the Love it offers you, thus realizing that indeed you are not alone but one with each other, so that what you share becomes abundant, and what you withhold shuts you down again into the loneliness of separation.

The result of this growing awareness of the oneness of all can be seen in the increasing compassion and generosity shown to those who are suffering locally close to you as family or neighbors or on the other side of the world.  The effect that this is having is enormous and unstoppable.  Yes, the media is still focusing on war and catastrophe – it is what they look for and is their reason for being (and it does need to be brought to your attention) – but all over the world generosity, kindness, healing, and love are being shared as never before.

This wondrous energy, divinely and exponentially expanded, is flowing freely and easily for the benefit of all.  More and more of you are becoming aware of this, and adding to it in every moment, as it sweeps you up in its loving embrace and carries you away from the grasping, heavy, and sticky center of the illusion towards the free-flowing freshness and clarity that mark the outer limits of that illusory environment.  From there you will be able to see your heavenly Home shining brilliantly as it beckons you onwards.  Your arrival there is guaranteed, as is your joy when it occurs.  The journey is almost completed.  Relax and accept the divine embrace that envelops you, confident that your Father’s Love for you will carry you Home.

With so very much love, Saul.

[Saul and John wish you all a wonderful and peace-filled Christmas. The next Saul post will be on Sunday January 2  2011.]

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God’s Love for His children is utterly beyond your comprehension while you are experiencing life as humans within the illusion. Your whole concept of Love is severely constrained by the limits that the illusory reality places on your cognitive abilities.  Love is Reality.  It is the force field, the divine energy field of infinite proportions within which all that exists is contained.  There is nothing beyond it because it is all that exists, it is Love, and everything other than that, which seems so real to you, is illusion, a conglomeration of imaginary concepts in a constant state of decay because they have no substance.  You are constantly dreaming them into existence, and when you awaken they will dissolve into the nothingness from which you imagined them.

So focus your attention on Love instead of on the distractions of the illusion.  You can experience It as compassion, acceptance, forgiveness, kindness, generosity, cooperation, gentleness, harmony, contentment, and peace.  The more of those concepts that you embrace and build into the life you lead, express, and demonstrate, the deeper and stronger will be your experience of aliveness and of oneness with Love, with one another, and with your Father.

Your unavoidable destiny is to awaken into Reality, the Presence of God, the divine energy field of infinite unconditional Love in which all sentient beings have their eternal existence from the first moment of their creation.  In that state the power and the possibilities available to you are of course limitless and will encourage and enable your talents and abilities to develop and expand way beyond your present imaginative capabilities.

It is a state of permanent ecstatic joy where all that you feel, think, or do is an experience of perfect aliveness and well-being.  It is the state that God created to ensure that you, His beloved children, existed permanently in blissful harmony with Him and with each other.

As you struggle with the pain, suffering, confusion, and disharmony which your illusory physical reality provides, it is almost impossible for you to imagine in any meaningful way the joy that you will rediscover when you awaken.  What most of you are quite able to imagine is a state of abundance in which the physical pleasures that you enjoy in the illusion, albeit rarely and fleetingly, would be available for all of humanity permanently and without exception, as opposed to the severely limited opportunities for pleasure presently available to be had only by a very small percentage of you, and which, in any event, never last.

If that was what your Father had planned and created for you, it would indeed be a hollow mockery, for as you awaken into the realization and wonder of who you truly are, any desire for those limited ephemeral pleasures will dissolve instantly, along with the illusion with which they were born.

You are divine beings, and only divine pleasures will bring you the joy, bliss, and ecstasy appropriate to that state of being.  And that is what you will experience when you awaken, because that is what God has prepared for you. There is nothing within Reality that could disturb you in even the slightest fashion for even an instant.

Within the illusion, however, even though you know deep within that you are infinitely loved, doubts arise, and they are one of the most corrosive aspects of it.  So focus on the field of Love that envelops you in every moment, and know that your doubts are groundless, and that you will awaken into the brilliance of Reality, your eternal Home.

With so very much love, Saul.

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Missed Post

Submitted on 2010/12/13 at 2:19 pm | In reply to sandi vogel.

Hi Sandi,
and everyone else who came looking for Saul’s latest post, I am truly sorry! Things got rather on top of me last week and I did not get a message posted for Sunday December 12th.
I plan to post on Wednesday December 15 and on Sunday December 19, then I shall take a break for Christmas and New Year, and get back into the usual rhythm starting Sunday January 2nd 2011.
Love and hugs to you all,

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As you become increasingly aware of the fact that you are spiritual beings undergoing an illusory physical experience, it becomes easier for you to accept that you chose to undergo the experience for the lessons you wanted to learn.  Nevertheless, that does not necessarily mean that you can recognize and understand your spiritual lessons as they occur, even though you learn them.  However, as time passes, things that disturb you or unsettle you are experienced less intensely, indicating that you have been learning the lessons presented to you.  It becomes even more apparent to you that you are indeed making progress when you observe others who seem not to learn and who, as you perceive them, keep repeating the same mistakes and suffering the same pains.  Of course it is not as you perceive it!  They too are most definitely learning very valuable lessons; it is just that your ability to perceive, let alone understand what they are learning is sorely limited, although your perception that you are making progress is totally valid.

Life, as you live it and experience it within the very limited frame of the illusion, is an ongoing spiritual learning process during which you are continually making progress.  The illusion is a game that you (collectively) invented, built, and continue to support, and because you are powerful beings with divine abilities, when you built the illusion to experience separation (which was not a good idea) you included attributes that would enable it and you to grow and develop in many directions.

Your Father, through the Holy Spirit, constantly uses those attributes to help you become aware of your spiritual origin so that you will continue to make progress on your journey out of the illusion, and back to His divine Reality, your true and eternal Home.

His Love for you is utterly without limits or conditions of any kind, and in Its fullness and intensity He could not and would not leave you there lost and without guidance to find the exit, even though it is only an illusory state, because what you apparently experience there can be so very intense and painful.  Without His loving guidance and support it was possible that you could have wandered mindlessly and fearfully within that crazy state for far longer than you have done.  Your shift towards awakening, although guaranteed and assured, is a joy to behold as we, in God’s divine Reality, look forward with excited anticipation to that wonderful moment.

Continue your prayer and meditation, your compassion and forgiveness, and savor within you the happiness, peace, and contentment, and the holy sense of safety and security those attitudes and activities provide.  You truly do know that you are on your way Home, and that what your senses are telling you about this is indeed the truth.

With so very much love, Saul.

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When you realize what it means — truly understand what it means — to know that you are the perfect, divine children of God, who are loved infinitely and unceasingly by Him, the ecstasy of that comprehension will totally bliss you out.  In the illusion, as humans, there is no way that you could imagine in any meaningful fashion what that means.  The severe limits your human form places on your abilities as divine children of God is stultifying.

Nevertheless, deep within you the flame of God’s Love burns continuously, and although you have attempted to bury it under enormous amounts of detritus — the distractions of the illusion — you are unable to hide it completely.  Consequently, you cannot avoid occasional glimpses of that wondrous flame as the garbage under which you have tried to bury it shifts and slides as you seek further illusory distractions.  These brief glimpses are all that is necessary to prevent you from completely forgetting who you are.

You are divine beings, deeply asleep, attempting to awaken as your nightmares try to seduce you into believing that the illusion is real, created by a harsh judgmental god who placed you in it and watches, almost with contempt, your futile efforts either to placate him or to avoid being punished by him. What an insane belief that would be, and yet many of you have bought into it.  Fortunately, the divine flame within you is inextinguishable, and it will burn through all that detritus so that you will have no option except to acknowledge it, recognize it for what it is, and allow it to show you the way out of the illusion.

You can refuse to follow it; you have been doing so for eons.  But your disillusionment with the imaginary reality, which you built to play games in, is intensifying as the pain and suffering that you are experiencing there goes on and on.  And remember that because you are all one, you do, at a deep level, feel the pain of all humanity, even if you are not personally suffering.

No matter how many wise beings attempt to change the system within the illusion so that all are respected and honored, their attempts will always fail because you built the system to fail, by making compromise and secrecy, fear and mistrust essential pillars of the philosophy that supports it.  When you see these wise ones failing to achieve any meaningful changes, it is very disheartening for you, and you frequently blame them for not forcing through the changes that you believe are needed.  However, in your separated state there are many points of view, each insisting on different solutions to the many problems, and this seems to prevent or make it impossible for any hope of wisdom and cooperation among you to bring about the peace and harmony you are so desperately seeking.

Nevertheless, these efforts of the wise ones are intensifying your growing awareness of the need for great change in your attitudes and in the way you live your lives.  You see that they do manage to achieve some temporary improvements because of the honesty and integrity with which they strive, and it demonstrates that integrity and honesty achieve results that can never be attained through confrontation.  By their efforts they have shown that turning to the ways of the Light does work, for this is what they have done; and this encourages many more of you to follow their example, instead of surrendering to the belief that creating meaningful, permanent change is impossible.

You are awakening to the realization that moving towards the Light of divine Love within you, instead of trying to do the impossible and extinguish it, will lead you out of the illusion and into Reality, where all your dreams of peace, harmony, and joy will bear the most magnificent fruit for your eternal happiness.

Those wise ones are continually showing the way out of the illusion by following the light of honesty and integrity burning within them, and although, from the material viewpoint encouraged by the illusion, their achievements may seem meaningless, you can clearly see the peace and serenity in which they live, by being true to themselves as divine children of God.  More and more of you are following their example, for the tide has finally turned; wisdom and integrity are being increasingly demonstrated, and it is this that will dissolve the illusion, bathing all in the brilliance of God’s divine Light.

With so very much love, Saul.

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Existence as a fully-conscious sentient being is a divine state; it is your natural state, and it is only when you chose to experience separation from your heavenly Father that you seemingly removed yourselves from this perfect state of existence.  You have not departed from it, because there is nowhere to go that is outside of this state, you have just temporarily closed down your awareness of it while you play with the illusory state of separation, need, and lack.  This game, which you seem to have been playing for eons, lasted but a moment before you returned to your fully-conscious state of existence where you are eternally.  Nevertheless, you remain asleep and dreaming that you are still separated from God, and it is your task to awaken.  It is a task that it is impossible for you to fail to complete perfectly and magnificently because it is God’s Will and yours that you do so.

Awakening means letting go of attitudes and beliefs that cannot exist in a state of divine, unconditional Love – fear, anger, hate, judgment, resentment, condemnation, shame, worthlessness, in fact any attitudes that are not loving – because in that state there is only Love.  All of you experiencing the illusion have feelings of abandonment, loss, shame, and fear for which you blame others, but because you were created by your Father in perfect, unconditional Love those feelings can only be mistaken illusions that you have chosen to experience.  Because they are so frightening you project them outwards and see them as foisted on you by others, allowing you to feel helpless to change the situation.

As you move towards awakening you will begin to realize that the only satisfactory way to live is as a loving and peaceful presence, and you will start to release your negative attitudes, as awareness of your Father’s eternal Love for you starts seeping into your consciousness, demonstrating that you are indeed a creation of divine Love and enabling you to begin truly loving yourself, instead of desperately seeking to be loved by others.  This will lead to a great reduction in your stress levels and you will find yourself more and more at peace; and the realization will dawn on you that those who appear to be attacking you, judging you, and making you wrong are themselves suffering terribly and are also desperately seeking love and acceptance.

When this becomes apparent to you compassion for them, for all humanity, will arise within you.  You will perceive that they, like you, are beings of divine Love, and your resentments and grudges will fall away, enabling and encouraging you to truly forgive them for their apparent attacks on you, as the Love within you, that envelops you and that is you, flows out to meld with that same Love that is within them and that envelops them.

Truly the joy that awaits you when you awaken into Reality to find yourselves in your Father’s Presence and surrounded by uncountable other loving beings welcoming you into the brilliant Light of God’s eternal day is beyond description.  You are well established on the path to awakening, and although you may still make minor deviations away from it, the destination will soon be in view, and you will pick up your feet with excited anticipation as you race forward to reach it.  And the welcome that awaits you will overwhelm you with happiness as you finally understand that all the painful efforts you have made to reach your divine destination are as nothing compared to the bliss in which you find yourselves.

With so very much love, Saul.

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Dear John, as you sit writing, our messages become more meaningful for you because you are increasingly allowing your heart to open to accept and receive God’s Love, as are all those who read these messages .  This helps you all to release the blocks or barriers to divine Truth with which you have fenced yourself in because of the fear that the game you are playing has instilled in you.  This fear is based on the illusory belief that you are a sinner who is completely unworthy of love, especially the divine Love of God.  God, as I keep telling you, created you in Love as a perfect being and as an essential part of Himself for all eternity.  Nothing can change what God creates, and everything He creates is perfect. That is the divine Truth and nothing else is possible.

Your fears are therefore groundless; you are perfect because God is your Origin.  The games you chose to play in your illusory and nightmarish environment are completely at odds with and in opposition to Reality, where you have your eternal existence.  The insanity of the way you live and experience life as you play these unpleasant games is not hidden from you.  You do see people living lives of love, contentment, and cooperation who are peaceful, happy, and uplifting to hang out with, but because of your belief in your games of loss and suffering you find it almost impossible to imagine that you could live like that.  You believe that the world is far too dangerous a place in which to live in such a manner because it involves being vulnerable and defenseless which you consider a most irresponsible way to live.  And yet you admire and envy those who have the courage to do so!

However, living as a loving presence, without judgment and with acceptance of life as it presents itself to you, requires no defenses, and your vulnerability is in fact an openness to the field of divine Love in which you are eternally immersed and of which you are an essential and irreplaceable part.  And so is everyone else, without exception.  It is only your fear and judgment, your belief in separation and the illusion, which seems to divide you into warring factions, whether within families or between nations.  When you fear one another you are tempted to attack before you are attacked, and in an environment like that fear flourishes and intensifies, leading to hasty, inadequately considered actions that make mutual trust inconceivable.  This is demonstrated to you constantly as your media spends its time seeking and finding the evidence of attack and betrayal it needs, worldwide, to confirm all your worst fears.  What you seek you find!

So be the peace and the Love that you truly are.  By so doing you demonstrate the incredible power that you are and that flows through you into the divine energy field that envelops and influences everyone.  The more time you spend being what you are, the more peaceful and satisfying your life will become, because you will be moving positively and inexorably towards awakening into full consciousness.  Many of you are doing this already, and as your numbers increase across the planet, the effect that you are having grows exponentially.

The awakening is a done deal.  It is going to happen and you are all essential participators in the awakening process, even though you may be completely unaware of it as you live your daily unawakened lives.  Deep within everyone knows this, because it is divine Knowledge placed there by your Father to ensure that you could not forget Him and be unaware of Him permanently.  And very many who seem to be living unaware lives are sensing that something of great importance is about to happen.  So if you have friends or loved ones who appear to be unaware and are unwilling to be informed, know that this is not an issue that you need to deal with by trying to persuade them or convert them; all are divinely taken care of.  Just be yourselves by demonstrating peace, acceptance, and love in your daily lives, and leave the details to God in His infinite Love and Wisdom.

With so very much love, Saul.

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Humanity’s attention is focused much too frequently on time—an intense, frustrating, and very distractive aspect of the illusion that tends to draw you back into it.  That is why relaxing breaks, time-out, and your periods of meditation are so important.  They help you to disconnect temporarily and experience peace.  Peace is your natural state, and to encourage its presence in your life, using whatever methods work for you personally, is essential for your well-being and spiritual progress.

The variety of methods available to you is enormous, because in your illusory, separated state your individual needs and preferences can never be identical to another’s.  So do not get trapped in methods that are presented by others as the ultimate, perfect, or only one.  Trust your intuition, your spiritual guidance, and then use what works for you. If you are having difficulty finding one that works, it can be helpful to talk about it with a like-minded friend who can listen without offering an opinion unless you ask for one, because talking to a good listener frequently helps you to perceive things more clearly and access your inner guidance or intuition.  Listening to the opinions, frequently misguided, of others can prevent you from getting in touch with your own inner knowing and leaves you feeling inadequate or incompetent.

Each  one of you has a vast store of spiritual knowledge available to you at all times, although it is often rather difficult for you to access until you find the method of relaxing and being at peace that works for you.  It can be as simple as taking a short break and smoking a cigarette (if you happen to be a smoker), or as intense as martial-arts training or running a marathon.  What you enjoy doing that quietens your mind, removes the stress of deadlines and appointment-juggling, and brings you moments of peace is the way to go.  If you are a smoker, do not allow the strong negative, cultural judgments of non-smokers, ex-smokers, and health junkies to influence you if smoking works for you.  If you truly want to stop smoking, then you will when the appropriate moment arrives.  Remember that everyone has habits they judge to be bad or inappropriate and that they use to shame and manipulate themselves, instead of accepting them for what they are — learning experiences — that they might like to shed in the future when the time is right. Being down on yourselves continually is destructive, damaging, and distracting.  You are who you are, with a multitude of aspects, abilities, and competences as well as other aspects you dislike, disapprove of or reject.  But every aspect of you has a purpose that, at a deeper level of your being, you chose for the lessons you wanted to learn.

Never forget that every single one of you is infinitely loved and cherished by our divine Father, who created you all as perfect beings of Light.  Your personal sense of inadequacy, dissatisfaction, or worthlessness is quite unjustified and is a major distraction that can prevent you from accepting the fact that you are a divine, lovable and totally irreplaceable part of God, always, and in every moment.  Decide and learn to accept yourselves, warts and all, as God does, and enjoy the wonderful sense of peace it brings you, knowing that it is God’s Will for you.

With so very much love, Saul.

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Even within the illusion much is occurring that seems to indicate that great changes in your relationships with each other worldwide and with Planet Earth are most necessary and unavoidable.  The fact that awareness of these essential needs for change is becoming so obvious to so many of you demonstrates very clearly the effect that your loving prayers and periods of meditation are having across the planet.

Your prayers and intentions will awaken humanity.  No other outcome is possible as more and more of you connect and meld with the divine Will to bring this about.  The power and intensity of the combined will of you Light-holders is enormous, and as more of you continue to join in and add further energy to the field of divine Love, to which you are all eternally connected, this power continues to grow exponentially.  It truly is unstoppable, and all resistance to God’s Love, which envelops you in every moment, will be swept away as all start to experience that Love personally and individually.

As that happens all will open their hearts in ecstasy to share that wondrous sensation of total security, acceptance, and infinite worth that suffuses them.  The need to be right and to prove to others that you are of value will fade away because it will be obvious to all that such is indeed the case – you are all right and of infinite value.  It is just that in your present state of very limited consciousness it seems that different people have different needs and desires, and that some are right and some are wrong.  When your Father’s Love fills your hearts, which it will as soon as you allow yourselves to accept it, you will immediately understand and know that you are One with Him and with each other, and that there is only one Will and one Intent the divine One.  And that being the case, then obviously there are no issues to divide and separate you; and, as you will discover, the joy of this realization is beyond meaningful description.

Humanity’s awakening into the divine Reality Heaven, Paradise is divinely assured and guaranteed, and has been since the moment of apparent separation so many eons ago.  But of course time is a major aspect of the illusion, and the eons during which it seems to have existed have truly been only an infinitesimal moment of absolutely no abiding note or consequence in God’s divine Reality.

You have been confusing yourselves by attempting to make the illusion real, and the harder you have tried the more painful and unreal it has become.  You only have to look around you and observe the incredible lunacy of the issues over which you disagree and fight your wars – personal or international – to see and understand this.  However, you have generally chosen not to be aware, but to judge and condemn one another for being wrong, and you have then joined opposing sides.

The unreality of the illusion is amazing!  So be glad and rejoice that this is so, and that you are to awaken while it dissolves and evaporates into the nothingness from which you constructed it.

With so very much love, Saul.

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As the moment of your awakening approaches, more and more people are becoming aware of a sense of urgency and a sense that something of great moment — but they have no idea what — is soon to occur.  The energy of love, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance that all you Light-holders are demonstrating and sharing is having an enormous effect worldwide, and what you are hoping for and intending is what is being sensed.

An awakening of humans into their natural fully-conscious state is what has been planned for eons of Earth time, and the moment for this divine event is approaching very rapidly, which is why there is this increasing sense of urgency and expectation.  God’s divine plan is unfolding precisely as He has always intended, ably assisted by the warm and loving energies of all you holders of the divine Light.  Nothing has been left to chance, for that is a state that does not exist!  Everything that occurs has a reason and a cause.  The fact that you cannot identify them is irrelevant; you are, after all, confused, lost, and wandering, frequently aimlessly, in the illusion you built and to which it seems you are very firmly anchored.

Nevertheless, you are free because you are part of the divine Being Who created you from Love, totally free, to experience the eternal joy of existence.  The maelstrom of anger, fear, hatred, and suffering that apparently surrounds and envelops you is an insubstantial nightmare that you have imagined and embraced for eons.  It is going to disperse like mist in the sunshine, leaving not a trace behind.

You have been vigorously seeking an end to it, and over the last few decades of Earth time your desire to awaken has intensified enormously, as many of you have found that letting go of fear and anger while embracing forgiveness and love has brought you peace of a kind never previously experienced.  Yes, there are still billions of you adrift in the nightmare, but the intensity of the field of love, forgiveness, compassion, and acceptance that you Light-holders have created is most effectively dissolving the walls of terror with which so many people have surrounded themselves, allowing that wonderful energy field to flow into their environment, bringing relief from the terror and hope of release from the nightmare.

You are on course to depart from the nightmare that has enveloped you in its cold, dank, and squalid swirls of misery for such a seemingly interminable length of time.  The exit is close; in fact, it is never very far away as you cannot be far away from Reality when you have your permanent existence there.  You truly do know this, so allow this knowing, which you all have deep within yourselves at the very center of your being, to rise up into your conscious awareness.  This will mightily strengthen your God-given will to awaken into the glorious Reality that is your eternal Home.

With so very much love, Saul.

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