
Posts Tagged ‘trust’

As war and conflict appears to be escalating worldwide, be aware that what is occurring is the endgame of the illusory reality in which you appear to be having an extremely real life that will terminate with the death of your physical bodies.  It is not that simple, the apparent escalation of violence and disagreement around the world is most definitely leading you forwards towards your imminent and inevitable awakening.  The dream or illusory state in which you appear to be living has become a nightmare that is far too intense, and so you cannot avoid awakening from it.  Your awakening is inevitable.

Nearly all of you have had nightmares while you were sleeping that were so real, painful, and frightening that you awakened from them, and then found with relief that they were indeed just nightmares, unreal events that your sleeping minds had imagined into being, and into which you were drawn, seemingly without any option not to engage with them.  What is occurring now is the deeply felt energetic intensification of your collective human dream or nightmare.  What you each experience depends on the life paths you chose before incarnating, and remember that you each did choose your own personal and individual life paths, thus where you are and what you are experiencing is as a direct result of your pre-incarnational intentions.

There are no accidents or coincidences, everything that you experience is as the result of personal and freely made choices, even though you have no recollection of making them, and often have great difficulty in believing that you could ever have made such choices.  The unreality in which you are experiencing your human lives seems intensely real, which is precisely what you intended when you made the collective choice and intent to experience what is impossible, namely separation from your state of eternal and inseparable union with your divine Source.

As Jesus said two thousand years ago “I and my Father are One.”  That statement is the eternal Truth not just for Jesus, but for every sentient being that God creates.  It makes it absolutely and abundantly clear that there is and can never be a state of separation from God, because He is All, eternally without interruption, and therefore your Union with Him is unbreakable even for the briefest of instants.  As humans you are experiencing, by your own individuated and personal choices, an unreal state from which you will inevitably break free or awaken into your natural state of eternal joy. 

KNOW this, trust that it is true, and be at peace as you play your essential parts in the collective awakening process, also knowing that where you are is where you can most perfectly play that part and be of the greatest assistance in humanity’s collective awakening process.

Humanity has made the collective choice and irreversible decision to bring to an end the state of unreality that you are experiencing, along with the conflicts, violence, ill-health, injury, and death that are very painful aspects of it.  Only Love is Real, and anything that is not in complete alignment with It will just dissolve, disintegrate or blow away, as though you were in a fierce dust storm that just blew itself out.  All is well, because All is God, is Love, and is eternally well, as you will come into full and delighted awareness of as your consciousness, your Beingness comes to know Itself once again as it truly is “One with your Father!”

As humans you spend a lot of time doing what you believe is necessary for your survival, and much of that doing is necessary, but just being is also necessary, and mostly you do not allow yourselves enough time for this, because the apparent needs of your daily lives can be very time consuming.  Therefore make a point of reminding yourselves whenever you have a quiet moment – stopped at traffic lights, traveling to work by train or bus, during intervals between meetings, or waiting for the children to come out from school so that you can take them home – that just being is also an essential aspect of daily life for which you need to make time available.

Most of you already do this, but you are frequently distracted by thoughts about your ‘to do list,’ or by interruptions from others, and then you forget and move out of that quiet space to attend to those distractions.  When you remember that this has happened, make a point of making time available later to just be.  You all have also found that when you do manage to make time available and spend it quietly just being, that the ‘space’ in which you are ‘being’ allows you to relax and experience a sense of peace as you, even only momentarily, let go of the need to be doing what you know needs to be done for your daily lives to flow smoothly.  In fact you will even become a little bit re-energized, and find that you do have enough time and resilience to complete whatever task you may have been involved in.

As I keep reminding you, it is absolutely essential to your well-being that you do take time out daily, preferably by entering into your holy inner sanctuaries, to just be.  While you are there reset your intent to be at peace, and then open your hearts and invite Mother/Father/God to fill them with an abundance of Love, thereby fortifying your own natural state of Love.  You and your Mother truly are One, and when you let go of any doubts and uncertainties, or feelings of sinfulness or unworthiness, you will feel the Love of God within you, and know that you are always and eternally in God’s Presence, enfolded most beautifully in Her totally loving embrace.

With so very much love, Saul. 

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The Love tide is coming in.

Despite the unsettling and worrisome news the MSM has to offer you, all truly is well!  Yes, this is hard for many of you to believe, but only Love is Real, and It is inundating Planet Earth.  You can see signs of this in numerous places where quiet loving communities – some very small, some very large – are gathering together and massively affecting the Earth’s energy field and most beautifully dissolving the unreal, but deeply felt and engaged with fears, anxieties, resentments, judgments, and hatreds that have been present in many areas for a very long time.  The Love tide is coming in and washing away all that is not in alignment with It.  Make a point of frequently renewing your trust in God, because doing so helps enormously with your own individual awakening, and also because it is totally justified as there is no one else that you can fully trust!  AND, of course, there is no need for anyone else . . . because only God is!

God is; and all sentient beings are but unique and individuated expressions of God expressing Herself perfectly and beautifully through each one.  Her joy is in knowing and being aware of your eternal presence in Her company – as She is – and that you are all Her joy-filled children, Her magnificent and beautiful offspring because of your eternal and unbreakable Union with Her.  And it brings Her great exultation and delight that you have now collectively chosen to awaken from the dream or nightmare of unreality with which you have been but momentarily engaged . . . remember, there is only NOW!

Every one of you experiences ‘now’ differently, in his or her own totally unique and personal manner in Reality, as an infinitely perfect and joyful encounter.  However, within the illusion ‘now’ occurs or appears in a variety of ways that the one experiencing has personally chosen, and it can run the gamut from extreme pain and suffering to intense joy and peace.  What you experience or undergo is what you have personally chosen in order to learn lessons about life in form – to know and express Love more fully – and to greatly assist in the collective awakening process.  And you are all assisting massively in this process, even if that does not seem to make sense or be the case as you try to understand it from your severely limited individual perspectives, as your lives unfold before you.

The ways of God are infinite, they always honor each individual’s free will, and they always show the way home to Reality when the individual chooses to listen and be aware of God’s Presence and His Will.  God’s Will is eternally loving.  God’s Will is for each and every human to awaken and to know themselves as the Love that they always are, always in constant and eternal Union with Him.

Love . . . Life . . . Consciousness is an infinitely expanding and amplifying sweep of endless energy fields in which All of creation is most gently and lovingly enfolded in the areas of awareness that most perfectly suit each individuated manifestation of God expressing Herself therein.  You cannot, while in your limited state of consciousness as a specific human in form, even start to conceive of the absolute vastness of possibilities for living that are eternally available to you, and in which you are ceaselessly engaged using your immense creative abilities.  The VASTNESS of All is inconceivable, as is the immensity of Joy that awaits your awakening.  I say again: “Truly All Is Well!”

When you awaken, as you most surely will, you will find yourselves rapturously embraced by loved ones whom you have always known, and with some of whom you have experienced human life together as you encouraged and assisted one another – even unknowingly and without any awareness – on the paths you had chosen for yourselves for those intermingled Earthly journeys in order to find your ways Home.  Yes, you have been searching for the way for numerous life-times, and now, having found it, you are to arrive and know yourselves once more as the beautiful beings that each one of you always is.

What God creates is eternally alive and infinitely beautiful, and She created YOU!  Therefore give thanks regularly for the miracle that you are, and know that She wants you to feel Her Love in every moment.  Being ‘in love,’ while certainly a most beautiful experience for humans in form, is as nothing compared to knowing and feeling, in complete and unbroken awareness, God’s endless and constant Love for you.

As you spend your daily quiet time alone, or possibly in a loving group, visiting your holy inner sanctuaries, do remind yourselves of the deep truth of God’s eternal Love for you.  You are completely and utterly worthy of God’s Love for you in every moment of your human lives, for how, as divine creations, could you not be?  You are One with Her in every moment of your eternal existence, without even the briefest momentary interruption, so remind yourselves and allow yourselves to know this and feel it.  Doing so will bring you to a state of intense peace in which any remaining feelings of unworthiness will evaporate, and your trust in Her will strengthen, thus intensifying the effect of your presence as a human on the collective awakening process.

Your presence on Earth now is essential, you are each irreplaceable, so delight in the knowledge that you are mightily assisting all of humanity to awaken as this magnificent event rapidly approaches fruition.

With so very much love, Saul. 

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